Edge Caching

To cache the response from an API in a Cloudflare Worker, you can utilize Cloudflare's Cache API. This API allows you to store responses in Cloudflare’s cache, providing you with the capability to cache responses that did not originate from your server and to customize cache behavior.

Here's a high-level overview of how you can implement caching in your Cloudflare Worker:

  1. Check for Cached Response: First, your worker should check if the response is already available in the cache. If it is, you can return this cached response directly.

  2. Fetch from Origin if Not Cached: If the response is not in the cache, your worker should then fetch the data from the Google Places API.

  3. Cache the New Response: After fetching the data, you can store the response in the cache. It's important to set appropriate cache headers, like Cache-Control, to manage how long the response should be stored in the cache.

  4. Return the Response: Finally, return the fetched response to the client.

To control the caching behavior, you can use cache headers like Cache-Control. The Cache-Control header can include directives like max-age (which specifies how long the response is considered fresh) or s-maxage (which is specifically for shared caches like Cloudflare).

Remember, Cloudflare's Cache API respects these cache headers, so setting them correctly is crucial for managing the cache effectively.

For example, if you set Cache-Control to s-maxage=3600, this would instruct Cloudflare to cache the response for 3600 seconds (or 1 hour).

Additionally, it's important to note that the Cache API is not compatible with tiered caching. For use cases that benefit from tiered caching, it's recommended to use the fetch API.

For more detailed guidance and code examples, you can refer to the Cloudflare Workers documentation on Using the Cache API and How the Cache works for a comprehensive understanding of caching interactions in Workers.

Last updated