Getting Webflow's UserID

Techniques & Approaches

Webflow's UserID is not accessible through any of the client-side techniques we use to build the SA5 User Info object. According to Webflow's Memberships project manager, this won't be added any time soon.

Why would you want it?

If you have any external systems that will be integrating with the API, they need the UserID in order to make calls to the Memberships API.

Also, if Webflow ever adds the ability to change a user's email address then the UserID becomes the only persistent User identifier.


The only viable solution we've found is to trigger off of a new account create webhook, and then store it.

If you store it in a custom User Data field, then you will be able to access it using SA5 User Info.

Fortunately, unlike CMS ID's, the UserID seems to persist across site backup-restores, so you can be confident your UserID is reliably persistent.

Technical Notes

Aka. other things we've tried...

For the technically minded among you, here are some things we've tried...


The Webflow.js library is undocumented, but is the main client-side interface to the Memberships system. So far, we've been unable to find any means to access the UserID there.

We've even gone so far as to search all of browser memory for the current UserID with no matches, so it appears the UserID is never known client-side even to Webflow.

The UserID does exist in the wf_sid cookie once a user is logged in, it's wrapped in a JSON token which can be decoded and parsed without any special cryptographic keys.

However this cookie is an http-only cookie which means that javascript in the browser cannot access the cookie.

Webflow API lookup

Using the user's email, we could theoretically look up the user record and obtain the ID, however this does not work client side;

  • The Webflow API is CORS-blocked, such that it cannot be accessed from client side scripts.

  • The User API does not have a 'lookup by email' function.


We've done some experiments with a proxy to determine whether a request can be passed through the proxy and then access the http-only cookie serverside. However this runs into a host of issues regarding the cookies, domain names, same-origin headers.

It's even difficult to perform the login through a proxy, much less make that work with a separately domained live site.

Last updated