Slider Element
Interact with Webflow's Slider Element
This feature allows you to work with the Webflow slider element.
Switch slides programmatically- first, next, prev, and last, or go to a specific slide number
Get the current slide number
Get notified when the slide changes
Get notified when the user tries to change the slide, and choose whether to allow it
Useful for slider-based multi-step forms
Check the slider demonstrations here-
Use Cases
Enhance navigation;
Link a button or other element to your tab element, to trigger navigation to the first, last, next, or previous tab. These elements can be anywhere on your page, including within the tab element, such as a Next button. You can have as many of them as you like.
Programmatically navigate the tabs element using JavaScript.
Receive callback alerts when tabs change, including auto-changes, and perform other custom script actions.
Multi-step forms, control when the user can advance to the next step
SA5 Slider is primarily API-based, see the left nav for the API docs.
Identify the slider
Can be instantiated on any slider directly.
Go to slide at index ( 0-based )
Go to slide number ( 1-based )
Go to first slide
Go to last slide
Go to prev slide
Go to next slide
Slide changed
slideChanged event.
User wishes to advance to next slide
slideNextRequest event
User wished to navigate to prev slide
slidePrevRequest event
Getting Started
First, add the library as detailed in Quick Start.
Apply the custom attributes to the elements you want to affect
Use the API & Callbacks to control the element from your custom code
See above for details.
Setup your Webflow slider element however you like
Setup other "control" elements that will affect it, such as buttons, etc ( optional ).
To control the Webflow native slider, SA5 uses the slider's navigation elements such as the bottom slide page dots. It's important that they are physically part of the slider, even if you make them invisible with display: none. Do not mark navigation elements as visibility: hidden or SA5 will be unable to interact with your slider.
attributeAdd the wfu-slider
custom attribute to the a Slider element. Give it a unique name to identify that element uniquely, e.g. slider1
This makes the slider element accessible in code.
Last updated
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