Payment Providers

Simple payment-link tools

The tools here are not related to Webflow's native ECommerce platform. They are simple payment link tools to provide crude payment capability through services like Paypal and Windcave.

Currently we support two providers-

  • Windcave

  • Paypal

Usage Notes | Windcave


Windcave example

Windcave Example

Place in the before BODY custom code area.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/webflow-commerce.js"></script>

    var payment = new window.sa5.WindcavePayment();

    // Configure the payment link
    payment.userid = 'user id';
    payment.amount = '10.00';
    payment.currencyname = 'USD';
    payment.txndata1 = '';
    payment.txndata2 = '';
    payment.txndata3 = ''; = '[email protected]';

    // Do something with the payment link

Usage Notes | PayPal

PayPal Example

<script src="[email protected]/dist/webflow-commerce.js"></script>

    var payment = new window.sa5.PaypalPayment();

    // Configure the payment link = 'user id';
    payment.amount = '10.00';
    payment.currencyname = 'USD';
    payment.item_name = 'widget';

    // Do something with the payment link

Last updated