Data Paths

How to Identify the Exact Data you want to bind

A data path is a string which identifies the specific data you want. Data paths are central to data-binding, to identify the data we want bound.

You can think of it like a file, or a URL.

In it most extensive form, it can have 4 or more segments;

$Data Source Type.Data Source Name.Object ID..Field Name

At a minimum, a data path typically includes a Data Source Type and a Field Name.

e.g.; $

In more complex Data Sources, additional segments are needed, for example;


In this example;

  • $db indicates that the Data Source Type is a database. SA5 will resolve this by doing a lookup in the Datastore.

  • my-db is the Data Source Name, which will be registered in the Datastore. For a CMS data source this would typically be the CMS collection slug, or similar.

  • my-record is a unique object ID, for Keyed Data Sources. You can think of this as a database record. For a CMS data source this would typically be the CMS item slug.

  • my-field is the field on that object that we want, e.g. a CMS item field.

Currently, Data Paths always identify a single point value, which can be bound to a single-value item such as a text element, an input field, a {{ macro }} expansion, etc. However in the future, it may also be used to retrieve full objects or even object-sets for list-binding and table-binding operations.


Data Source Type


User object

Name value


User object

Custom user


User object



The cookie named foo


Local storage


Session storage


Query string



Last updated

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