Remember the state of a checkbox as the user changes pages
Remember whether a checkbox is clicked or not, and maintain that state on each page load as the user navigates through your site.
Good for, e.g. a day/night mode switch.
Place this in your SITE-wide /BODY custom code area;
<script>// Handle checkbox tracking// both checked and unchecked events $("input[type='checkbox'][wfu-bind-tracked]").change(function() { const label =$(this).attr("wfu-bind-tracked");if(this.checked) window.tracker.track(label); elsewindow.tracker.untrack(label);updateTracked();}); </script>
Also place this code inside and at the end of the updateTracked() function in your site-wide /BODY custom code.
// Look for any data-bound checkboxes// and updated them according to the tracked state$("input[type='checkbox'][wfu-bind-tracked]").each(function() {constt=$(this).attr("wfu-bind-tracked");constchecked=window.tracker.isTracked(t) ||false; // jQuery set checkbox checked//$(this).prop('checked', checked);// For custom-styled Webflow checkboxes// we must manually update the checked class state const$customCheck=$(this).prev(); constisCustomCheck=$customCheck.length===1;if (isCustomCheck) {if (checked)$customCheck.addClass("w--redirected-checked"); else$customCheck.removeClass("w--redirected-checked"); } });