Important dataLayer Notes

How SA5 supports this

In our sa5/gtm-data construction, you should set all of the properties in the object.

null values will be converted to undefined


<script type="sa5/gtm-data">
  "event": "banner_interaction",
  "event_category": "System",
  "event_label": "Offer",
  "banner_name": "sticky",
  "interaction_type": "click",
  "position": "sticky-top",
  "variant": null


Set a default base object, and override it. We merge them

<script type="sa5/gtm-data-proto" event="banner_interaction">
  "event": "banner_interaction",
  "event_category": "System",
  "event_label": "Offer",
  "banner_name": null,
  "interaction_type": null,
  "position": null,
  "variant": null

const prototypeElement = document.querySelector('script[type="sa5/gtm-data-prototype"]');
const prototypeData = JSON.parse(prototypeElement.textContent || '{}');

// Convert nulls to undefined
Object.keys(prototypeData).forEach(key => {
  if (prototypeData[key] === null) {
    prototypeData[key] = undefined;

// Assume actualData is obtained similarly from an 'sa5/gtm-data' script
// Merge actualData into prototypeData
const mergedData = { ...prototypeData, ...actualData };

// Use mergedData as needed

How GTM's dataLayer Works

When you push an object to the dataLayer, GTM doesn't reset or clear previous state between pushes. Instead, properties persist in the dataLayer's state until explicitly overridden or removed. This behavior ensures that data remains available across different events for tags, triggers, and variables to utilize without needing to repush the same information continually.

The Situation with Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

When you push an object containing alpha, beta, and gamma properties to the dataLayer and then subsequently push another object with just alpha and beta, the gamma property remains in the dataLayer's current state. This is why you're seeing gamma being preserved and appearing as part of the second event, even though you didn't include it in the second push.

How to Prevent Unwanted Properties from Persisting

To prevent properties like gamma from persisting beyond their intended event, you have a couple of approaches:

  1. Explicitly Set Unwanted Properties to undefined or null: By explicitly setting properties you want to "remove" to undefined or null in subsequent pushes, you can ensure they don't carry over undesirably.

Last updated

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