About SA5's Booking Lib
Extend your Webflow site with better Booking integrations
Just like ECommerce, many sites rely on bookings the primary means of bringing new customers in.
General goals
Simplify booking integrations, by using attributes
Leverage system integration options, so that you can shorten the booking path, by pre-selecting
Location of the booking ( e.g. multiple clinics or salons )
Improve the accessibility of desktop v. mobile bookings
Enhance booking pop-ups where it makes sense, e.g. pop-up modals and modal interactions
Current features
Tag any button with attributes that allow you to trigger a booking
Pre-set that booking with any of these constraints ( zero or more );
Location ( e.g. which clinic )
Provider ( e.g. which staff member )
Service Category
Expand Triggers
Enter a page and trigger booking, using e.g. #book
on the URL.
Allow for in-text link bookings, e.g. ##...
so that bookings can be triggered from within article text, blog text, or news / press releases.
Expand Integrations
Add booking types and services;
Medical services;
Conversion tracking
Add conversion tracking capabilities for GTM and GA4
Use the GTM dataLayer where possible
Last updated
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