Deck Controller Element ⛔

Control and navigate deck elements like Tabs and Sliders

The Deck Controller provides simple no-code navigation capabilities using attributes that work across all deck-style elements, including SA5's Tabs, Sliders. and Accordion.

OBSOLETE. The deck controller has been expanded and fully absorbed into our new SA5 Element Actions handler. It will work very similarly, and continue to be attribute-based but the attribute names will fully change.



These attributes should be placed on a button, link, or other element which you want to click-trigger a specific deck navigation action.

wfu-deck-action = ( method )

Required. I want my button or link to perform the following action on the targeted deck element.

Method is one of;

  • first - select the first item

  • prev - select the previous item

    • prevLoop - select the previous item or loop if we're on the first item ( considering )

  • next - select the next item

    • nextLoop - select the next item or loop if we're on the last item ( considering )

  • last - select the last item

  • goto - select the specified item, as specified by wfu-deck-action-item

wfu-deck-target = ( deck name )

Optional. Specifies the wfu-tabs, wfu-slider or wfu-accordion name you want your action to target.

If unspecified, it will look for the nearest parent deck element as the target.

wfu-deck-action-item = ( item number | name )

Required for the goto action only. Specifies the tab / slide you want to navigate to.

  • a number - indicates the item number, 1, 2, 3...

  • a string - activates the item with the specified name


2024-Feb-04 - First release.

Getting Started ( NOCODE )

STEP 1 - Add the Library

First, add the library as detailed in Quick Start.

STEP 2 - Apply the custom attributes to the elements you want to affect

See above for details.

Deck Controller elements work together with SA5's Tabs or Sliders, so make sure to configure your Tabs or Sliders as well.

Last updated