SA5 Lightbox Future

CMS Video lightboxes

  • Pull the thumbnail as the image

  • Size it properly for the video

A/V lightboxes

CMS-driven A/V Lightboxes, where A and V can be specifically ordered.


  • CMS does not have a gallery capability for videos

  • Videos must be / should be pre-loaded

  • YouTube related videos problem

  • No lightbox thumbnail support for CMS video fields


  • Poss use image gallery with alt text to point to video URL

  • Poss use Plyr to control video appearance

  • Poss pull YT thumb as basis automatically

Use WF designer to setup and create your lightboxes, then we unwire it and use a separate lightbox provider to solve for the missing functionality;

  • Better combination of video & image content

  • Captions on video & images

  • CMS groups

  • Wraparound, etc.

Last updated