Email Social Share ❺

Convert a link element into an email sharing tool for current page.

BETA. Attributes & features may change in the final release.

Social Share - Email

Designed to make a link element work as a sharing mechanism for the current page.

When clicked, it invokes the user's defined email program to send a message, and populates the subject and body, including the link to the current page.

The user then enters to To, and sends it.

wfu-socialshare = email

wfu-socialshare-subject = subject you want on the email

wfu-socialshare-message = message you want to preface the link

Note the message can contain line-breaks, by using the \n character sequence.

UTM Tracking

If you want to add tracking information to the link, you can use SA5's UTM Tracking attributes here as well, on this same email element.

UTM Tracking

In general, we'd recommend something like;

SA5 attribute





Indicates that it was shared



Or similar ( news, recipe... )


Your Article Title

CMS-bind this one if you're in a collection list or collection page.

Last updated

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