Scroll to Section

Scrolling scenarios

  • Specific pages, often the homepage hav sections that we want to directly scroll to in the global nav

  • All pages have


  • Must handle direct navigation e.g.

  • Must handle top-nav navigation from that page's nav bar


  • Should work perfectly on both staging and production, e.g. the origin does not need to be part of the URL

  • We do not want to have to handle in-page scrolling v. cross-page scrolling separately

  • CMS-link compatible

  • Keep the current state nav depending on the section you're on


  • Support offsetting the scroll position for a fixed nav

  • Support sticky navs as well

  • Auto-calculate ( like Webflow does ) or allow a manual specification, stored on the body element


  • Hide the #hash

  • Delay re-scroll, used for lazy-load

  • Just remove lazy-load ( bandwidth impacts )

Usage Notes

  • Avoid using the scroll-to-section option in links

  • Instead, form your links as relative links

Specific page

e.g. /#contact

e.g. /about/#contact

ID's are case-sensitive

Current page

e.g. a section that you have on all pages, such as a Contact Us block that is part of your page footer.

e.g. #contact

Note the absence of the forward slash /, which is the homepage path. Here we avoid adding a path that since we want to stay on the current page.

Link from another site


This will also work, and smooth-scroll

Will these work in the CMS?

Technical Notes

function scrollToElementWithOffset() {
    console.log('scrollToElementWithOffset triggered');

    // Suppress the automatic hash scrolling behavior on page load
    if (window.location.hash) {
        // Temporarily remove the hash to prevent default jumping
        const originalHash = window.location.hash;
        history.replaceState(null, null, ' '); // Temporarily remove the hash
        console.log('Suppressed initial hash:', originalHash);

        setTimeout(() => {
            // Check if there's a fixed-position element at the top of the body
            const fixedElement = document.querySelector('body > *');
            console.log('First element in body:', fixedElement);

            let offset = 0;
            if (fixedElement) {
                const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(fixedElement);
                console.log('Computed style of first element:', computedStyle.position);

                if (computedStyle.position === 'fixed') {
                    offset = fixedElement.offsetHeight;
                    console.log('Fixed element detected with height:', offset);
                } else {
                    console.log('First element is not fixed position');
            } else {
                console.log('No elements found in body');

            // Restore the hash
            history.replaceState(null, null, originalHash);
            console.log('Restored the original hash:', originalHash);

            // Now scroll to the target element with the correct offset
            const element = document.querySelector(originalHash);
            console.log('Target element for hash:', element);

            if (element) {
                // Calculate the target scroll position
                const elementPosition = element.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;
                const offsetPosition = elementPosition - offset;
                console.log('Element position:', elementPosition);
                console.log('Offset position:', offsetPosition);

                // Scroll to the position with the offset
                    top: offsetPosition,
                    behavior: 'smooth'
                console.log('Scrolling to position with offset');
            } else {
                console.log('No element found for the hash:', originalHash);
        }, 0); // Run after the current event loop to ensure the DOM is ready
    } else {
        console.log('No hash in the URL');

// Run the function on page load and on hashchange
window.addEventListener('load', scrollToElementWithOffset);
window.addEventListener('hashchange', scrollToElementWithOffset);

Last updated

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