SA5 Modals Roadmap & Future


FeatureShort TermMedium TermFuture

Modal setup in the Webflow designer

2 DIVs

Possibly only 1 DIV, with auto-frame generation

Modal type

  • Popup. Easily closed.

  • Modal. Only a specific action can close.

Content source

  • Static content

  • CMS content

    • Named with zones


  • External source e.g. Google Doc

Modal frame styling

  • Borders

  • Corners

  • Padding

  • Shadows

  • Background

  • Transparency

  • Possible themes

Content admin

  • Designer

  • Content editor

Triggers ( open )

  • Trigger element click

  • Timed trigger

  • Trigger element scroll-into-view

  • Page scroll to %

  • Exit intent

  • Link triggers using SA5's ##link standard capability

  • JS

    • SA5 booking lib

  • Cookie exist / not-exist

  • URL formation e.g. #book

  • Adblocker detection

Triggers ( close )

  • Close button ( auto )

  • Close button ( manual )

  • External close trigger click

  • Timer

  • ESC key

  • Successful form submission

    • Delay? thanks... close

  • % Page scrolling?

  • Programmatic triggers, like an over 18 that checks birthdate calc


Defined at the modal level

  • Possibly add sessionStorage as a suppression mechanism

  • Form submit suppression on success only

  • Possibly button-specific suppression ( for "never show again" )


Manually defined at the modal level via custom CSS chunk

  • Attribute with basic scrolling behaviors

  • Basic scrollbar style attributes

    • thin-black


  • Defined at the modal frame level, responsively

  • Min size, max size



9 positions

Animation on open / close

Simple predefined

  • slide in/out + direction

  • grow/shrink

  • fade in/ out

  • WF Interactions


  • Simple predefined styling

  • Click triggers close

  • Themes

    • gray

    • glass

    • blur

  • Customizable ( as an element? )

  • Ability to suppress click on close


  • None

  • Schedule

    • Start / end dates

    • Weekdays

    • Hours of the day

  • Allow invocation override by a trigger to force show outside of scheduled times


  • None?

  • Restrict to a single modal open at a time

  • Auto close any prior modal if a new modal is open

  • Modal queue? Show sequentially.

  • Prioritization

    • High

    • Medium

    • Low

  • Non-critical v. critical- auto suppress non-critical if another has shown

Page behavior

  • None

  • Support no-scroll on page content behind the modal

  • Support scrolling as a trigger to close the modal


  • None

  • GTM

Modal namespaces

  • Likely to add for CMS-driven modal support

Advanced Notes

Controller Integration

On open, close, etc, the modal or triggers invoke the action and the modal is the first responder, however the controller is informed and queried on some actions.

For example, a modal opening at 5000ms and then a different one opening at 8000ms might not be legit. Or a modal opening on a timer, and then a scroll trigger, and then an exit-intent trigger...

Multi-Function Modals

Buttons which perform an action and also close the modal?

  • Submit an email form

  • Accept terms

  • Confirm 18, etc.

Open / Close Animations

  • default show

  • grow from a point

  • slide in right

  • slide in left

  • slide in bottom

  • slide in top

  • spin in right

  • fade in

  • random, or a list of random CSV options


( modal-name ) | ( zone.modal-name )

name will target the first modal found with that name in the page. will target the first modal found with that zone and name in the page

wfu-modal-target-zone = ( zone )

This is a convenience to separate the zone from the name. It's most oftenly used when the name is bound to a CMS slug, and the one needs to group those items separately from other modals in the page.

Scroll freeze option

Sound FX


For OK close separate from e.g. hyperlinks or other actions


Allow user to create these, or we default add a button?

Lets us separate content from popup



Support for Forms



On OK, Cancel

Things we're considering;


  • Invoke, suppress modal from script

  • Open event, close event

Last updated