Sygnal Attributes v5

Webflow Tools that Make Your Site Better

SA5 is the lastest version of Sygnal's Webflow Utilities Library. The tools here are 100% free, 100% open-source, and 100% designed for Webflow.


SA5 is divided into a series of individual libraries.


A huge range of page-modification capabilities

Get logged in user info to personalize your site and improve user experience. Custom-route on login.

  • User name

  • Email

  • Custom fields

  • Access groups

Add capabilities to Webflow's Rich Text Block

  • Responsive inline images

Advanced, dynamic layouts for your Webflow pages

  • Restructure your collection lists entirely into groups

  • Create dynamic tabs from the CMS

  • Overcome Webflow's 5-nested-item limit

Easily replace Webflow's native form handler with your choice of 3rd party handlers like Basin, Zapier, Make, and n8n.

  • Eliminate SPAM

  • Trigger automations

Create powerful, consistent modals with full design control and zero interactions

Define custom hotkeys to trigger your scripts, page actions and navigation

Special URL enhancement tools

  • Pass-through your query params from one page to another for referer tracking

  • Target all external links to a new tab

Add capabilities to your video elements

  • Youtube Hide related videos

  • Background Video poster image

  • Video player

Control Webflow's elements with code, and receive events when they change

  • Tabs

  • Sliders

  • Buttons

  • Dropdown menus

  • Lightboxes

  • Radio buttons

  • Accordions

  • Lotties

  • Locale Switcher

Format numbers and currencies & dates specially

  • Locale-specific formatting

Special tracking using cookies and webStorage

Custom Select element based on Finsweet's attribute of the same name. Adds some dynamic update capabilities

Specialized Use / Advanced Libs;


Central to SA5, but has a few tricks up its sleeve

  • Hide objects in the designer and make them visible in the published site

Handle high-latency tasks such as content-fetching with a built-in caching layer.

  • Allows complex calculations and slow data retrievals to easily cache.

  • Code your update directly to the cache layer and it will "lazy load" the content when needed.

Embed external content into your blog posts and pages.

  • Tables from Google Docs

Adds Email as a social share option. Designed to work in conjunction with Finsweet's Social Share component.

  • Adds share-to-email

Adds some analytics capabilities to your site using attributes.

  • GTM dataLayer events

  • UTM Tracking

  • Rel Attributes

  • A/B testing

Extract CMS data into JS objects from your collection lists, to power your custom code and calculations.

  • Extract data from collection lists into datasources

  • Extract querystring data, and URL data

  • Cookies and webStorage

  • Data-bind these pieces of information to text elements and form inputs

Improve your 404 pages

  • Smart search trigger Webflow site search based on the Path the user was looking for

Animated count up to a set value. Triggers on scroll-into-view

Special UI components

  • 5-star ratings component ( display only )

Add special capabilities to your Webflow demo sites, such as links to the correct readonly link page.

Simple commerce solutions for one-off purchases.

  • Paypal

  • Windcave

Custom trigger items and interactions from text links and buttons.

  • Trigger interactions, such as pop-ups and modals from a link

  • Support CMS-driven scenarios

Experimental Libraries & Features πŸ§ͺ

These are libraries we're experimenting with.

Now you can sponsor the development of those features, and they will be added to the library for everyone to use.


SA5 Calc πŸ§ͺ

Calculate & sum items

SA5 SEO πŸ§ͺ

Some SEO tools

  • Noindex

  • Nofollow


SA5 Fixup πŸ§ͺ

Fix a few things in Webflow editor and published sites.

SA5 Logic πŸ§ͺ

Add logic capabilities using attributes, for conditional visibility and page structuring

  • If

  • Switch

SA5 Effects πŸ§ͺ

Experimental effects

  • Depthmap ( fake 3d )

SA5 State πŸ§ͺ

State management

SA5 Booking πŸ§ͺ

Tag trigger elements easily to invoke 3rd party booking systems with the correct service, location, category, and staff member.

  • GetTimely

  • SimplyBook

Various localization features

SA5 Detect πŸ§ͺ

Detect and manipulate your page depending on how

Add HTML tables

We've also begun including our dev team and roadmap notes in these docs so that they are available for community comment and discussion. You can expand most features for a Future notes document.

Feature Requests

  • Share your ideas in SA5's forum.

  • If you'd like a specific feature built that you already see on our design board here, you can sponsor a feature. Features marked with

2023 Review of SA5's Capabilities

  • Documentation is organized by library

  • At the top of most libraries, you'll two important pages-

    • πŸ” About this Library, which gives you an overview of the capabilities

    • πŸš€ Quick Start, which gives you the library code you need

  • Within each library the features are grouped separately

  • πŸ§ͺ indicates EXPERIMENTAL items, which are not yet available

  • πŸ“ indicates NOTES, which are primarily for the dev team

  • ▢️ indicates VIDEO TUTORIALS, which we're just beginning to add

What’s new in v5?

The tech changes we've made in v5 open the doors to a lot of new capabilities.

If you are using v4, none of these changes will affect your current websites. Since all of our CDN URLs are version-locked, you’ll continue to use the same libraries you are using now until you upgrade to the newer versions, someday, if you want to.

The v5 Tech Stack

  • We’ve changing from a JavaScript ES6 codebase to TypeScript

  • We’ve changed fully from CSS to SASS.

  • We’ve eliminating all use of jQuery in the libraries.

  • We’ve separated classes through the library into discrete source files

  • We’ve bundled the distributed files differently for even greater efficiency

  • We've integrated debugging features

We’re excited about the tremendous capabilities the new stack gives us.

Switching to v5

If you choose to switch to the upgraded v5 libraries at some point, you’ll see a few minor integration changes;

Javascript <script> elements;

  • Will be moved from the before-/body section to the before-/head section of your pages and site-wide code settings.

  • The library URLs will change to point at the /dist/ path, rather than the /src/ path.

  • You'll also notice that the type=module is dropped

CSS <link> elements will essentially remain unchanged, and will continue to point to /dist/css/

All of this is covered in the docs for each feature, and we’ll update the docs as each library is migrated, so that you can upgrade them if you choose to.

What about attribute or code changes?

You can simply reference the new libraries with no changes to your custom attributes or existing features- and you’ll still get the enhanced features and performance benefits.

Will I need to upgrade to v5 eventually?

Nope! If you’re happy with things as they are and don’t need any of the new features, you don’t need to change a thing. v4 will continue to run indefinitely.

Last updated