
Troubleshooting and FAQs for SA5's Current User Info.

Can't access User Custom Fields

I'm not getting the custom user fields in my user object data

  1. Make certain you have the custom user fields placed on your /user-account page.

    • They can be placed inside of a display: none DIV, but they must be on the page.

  2. Make certain to you have logged out and logged in, for the new User Data to load

On Webflow's ECommerce Checkout Page, the User's Email shows and then disappears after a second.

If you're trying to use SA5's data-binding feature on Webflow's ECommerce check-out page to default the checkout email, we've seen a couple of mentions that fields on this page may be getting reset after databinding. If you experience this, here's a general strategy you can use to force it.

function forceEmail(email) {
    let checkCount = 0;
    const interval = setInterval(function() {
        const inputField = document.getElementById('wf-ecom-email');

        // If the input field is empty and email is available
        if (inputField.value === '' && email) {
            inputField.value =;

        // Increment the check count

        // Keep checking for 4 seconds after page load
        if (checkCount >= 20) {
    }, 250);

window.sa5 = window.sa5 || [];
  (user) => {

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